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1. Proceedings of the Symposium on Computer Aided Design in Mechanical Engineering, Potilecnico di Milano, 19/21 October 1976 / organized by Istituto di Meccanica e Cnstruzione della Macchine of Politecnico di Milano ;.

by Sumposium on Computer Aided Design in Mechanical Engineering (1976 : Milan) | Cugini, U | Politecnico di Milano Istituto di Meccanica e Costruzione della Macchine.

Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: Milan : Cooperativa libraria Universitaria del Politecnico, 1976Availability: Items available for loan: Matheson Library [Call number: 620.00420285 S989] (1).

2. Proceedings of the Symposium on Computer Aided Design in Mechanical Engineering, Potilecnico di Milano, 19/21 October 1976 / organized by Istituto di Meccanica e Cnstruzione della Macchine of Politecnico di Milano ;.

by Sumposium on Computer Aided Design in Mechanical Engineering (1976 : Milan) | Cugini, U | Politecnico di Milano Istituto di Meccanica e Costruzione della Macchine.

Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: Milan : Cooperativa libraria Universitaria del Politecnico, 1976Availability: No items available

3. Waste discharge into the marine environment principles and guidelines for the Mediterranean action plan prepared in collaboration with the Institute of Sanitary Engineering, Polytechnic of Milan, Italy

by Politecnico di Milano Istituto di ingegneria sanitaria | World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe | United Nations Environment Programme.

Edition: 1st ed.Material type: book Book; Format: print Publisher: Oxford [Oxfordshire] Pergamon Press 1982Availability: Items available for loan: Matheson Library [Call number: 363.7280916381 W323] (1).

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