Rasmussen's chart. - Videocassette (VHS)(ca. 25 min.) : sd., col. 1/2 in.

Located between the equator and 12 degrees south are Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands. These colourful islands are home to a number of ethnic groups. Surrounded by coral seas, they're well known for their exotic floral and bird life. During the Pacific War they were strategic positions for the Japanese forces, 300,000 of whom lost their lives here, many in sunken vessels. The position of several Japanese ships has been confirmed in the Solomon Sea. The wrecks were discovered by an airline pilot who had made a hydrographic chart. Arne Rasmussen is a pilot with Air Niugini. He was born in Denmark forty two years ago, the son of a pilot in Britain's Royal Air Force. He served in the Danish forces, with NATO and the United Nations before becoming a civil airline pilot. His regular route takes him over Guadalcanal and Rabaul, points of severe clashes during the Pacific war.

Shipwrecks--Solomon Sea.