Murabayashi, Edwin T.

Stream-water storage in the ocean by using an impermeable membrane / Edwin T. Murabayashi, Yu-Si Fok - Honolulu, Hawaii : Water Resources Research Center, University of Hawaii at Manoa, 1983 - viii, 64p. : ill. - Technical report; no. 152 .

Final Technical Completion Report for Flexible, Floating Membrane Impoundment of Stream Water in a Coastal Embayment as a means of Water Conservation and Water Quality Control of Waikele Stream, Inflows into the West Loch, Pearl Harbor, Oahu, project no. B-065-HI and Pilot Study of Flexible, Impermeable Membrane Inpoundment of Stream Water in a Coastal Embayment, project no. A-091-HI

Water storage
Membranes (Technology)
Hydraulic models
Irrigation water