Finkelnburg, Wolfgang, 1905-
Structure of matter / by Wolfgang Finkelnburg, translated from the 9th/10th edition of Einf�uhrung in die Atomphysik by the author in cooperation with Ottilie Matossi-Riechemeier. - Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 1964. - xii, 511 p. : ill.
Translation of: Einfuhrung in die atomphysik
Nuclear physics.
Structure of matter / by Wolfgang Finkelnburg, translated from the 9th/10th edition of Einf�uhrung in die Atomphysik by the author in cooperation with Ottilie Matossi-Riechemeier. - Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 1964. - xii, 511 p. : ill.
Translation of: Einfuhrung in die atomphysik
Nuclear physics.