Brown, James W. 1913 Sept. 18-
AV instruction : technology, media, and methods / James W. Brown, Richard B. Lewis, Fred F. Harcleroad. - 4th ed. - New York : McGraw-Hill, 1973. - viii, 584 p. : ill.
First-2ed. published under title: AV instruction: materials and methods; 3rd ed. published under title: AV instruction: media and methods.
Audio-visual education.
AV instruction : technology, media, and methods / James W. Brown, Richard B. Lewis, Fred F. Harcleroad. - 4th ed. - New York : McGraw-Hill, 1973. - viii, 584 p. : ill.
First-2ed. published under title: AV instruction: materials and methods; 3rd ed. published under title: AV instruction: media and methods.
Audio-visual education.