K�zdi, Arp�d.
Handbook of soil mechanics / by Arp�d K�zdi. - Budapest : Akad�miai Kiad�, 1974- - 4 v. ill.
Translation of: Handbuch der Bodenmechanik.
v. 1. Soil physics. --- v. 2. Soil testing. --- v. 4. Application of soil mechanics in practice :examples and case histories.
044499890X v. 1/0444988432 v. 4.
Soil mechanics.
Handbook of soil mechanics / by Arp�d K�zdi. - Budapest : Akad�miai Kiad�, 1974- - 4 v. ill.
Translation of: Handbuch der Bodenmechanik.
v. 1. Soil physics. --- v. 2. Soil testing. --- v. 4. Application of soil mechanics in practice :examples and case histories.
044499890X v. 1/0444988432 v. 4.
Soil mechanics.