Shulman, Martha Rose.
Gourmet vegetarian feasts / Martha Rose Shulman. - Rochester, Vt. : Healing Arts Press, c1990. - 192 p.
Reprint. Originally published: Rev., combined, and reset ed. Rochester Vt. : Thorsons Pub. Group, 1987.
089281389X : $10.95
Vegetarian cookery.
Cookery (Garlic).
Cookery (Herbs).
Cookery (Honey).
Gourmet vegetarian feasts / Martha Rose Shulman. - Rochester, Vt. : Healing Arts Press, c1990. - 192 p.
Reprint. Originally published: Rev., combined, and reset ed. Rochester Vt. : Thorsons Pub. Group, 1987.
089281389X : $10.95
Vegetarian cookery.
Cookery (Garlic).
Cookery (Herbs).
Cookery (Honey).