Partnoy, Alicia, 1955-
The little school : tales of disappearance & survival in Argentina / Alicia Partnoy ; translated by Alicia Partnoy with Lois Athey and Sandra Braunstein ; illustrated by Raquel Partnoy. - London : Virago Press, c1986. - 136 p. : ill.
Translated from the Spanish.
Political prisoners--Case studies.--Argentina
Missing persons--Case studies.--Argentina
The little school : tales of disappearance & survival in Argentina / Alicia Partnoy ; translated by Alicia Partnoy with Lois Athey and Sandra Braunstein ; illustrated by Raquel Partnoy. - London : Virago Press, c1986. - 136 p. : ill.
Translated from the Spanish.
Political prisoners--Case studies.--Argentina
Missing persons--Case studies.--Argentina