Prats, Michael.
Thermal recovery / Michael Prats. - New York : H.L. Doherty Memorial Fund of AIME : Societyof Petroleum Engineers of AIME, 1986. - 283 p. : ill. - Henry L. Doherty series . - Monograph / Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME ; v. 7 . - Monograph (Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME) ; v. 7. .
Thermal oil recovery.
Thermal recovery / Michael Prats. - New York : H.L. Doherty Memorial Fund of AIME : Societyof Petroleum Engineers of AIME, 1986. - 283 p. : ill. - Henry L. Doherty series . - Monograph / Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME ; v. 7 . - Monograph (Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME) ; v. 7. .
Thermal oil recovery.