Hopkin, Jean M.
The effects of bus service reductions in urban areas : case studies in Oxford and Manchester / by Jean M. Hopkin and P. R. Oxley. - Crowthorne, Berkshire, Transport Planning Division, Safety and Transportation Department, Transport and Road Research Laboratory, 1989. - 21 p. : ill., maps. - TRRL research report, 186 0266-5247 ; . - Transport and Road Research Laboratory research report .
Bus lines--Time-tables--Case studies.--Great Britain
The effects of bus service reductions in urban areas : case studies in Oxford and Manchester / by Jean M. Hopkin and P. R. Oxley. - Crowthorne, Berkshire, Transport Planning Division, Safety and Transportation Department, Transport and Road Research Laboratory, 1989. - 21 p. : ill., maps. - TRRL research report, 186 0266-5247 ; . - Transport and Road Research Laboratory research report .
Bus lines--Time-tables--Case studies.--Great Britain