Kircher, Harry B.
Our natural resources and their conservation / Harry B. Kircher, Donald L. Wallace, Dorothy J. Gore. - 6th ed. - Danville, Ill. : Interstate Printers & Publishers, c1988. - xxiii, 482 p. : ill.
Updated ed. of: Our natural resources / Harry B. Kircher, Donald L. Wallace.
Natural resources--United States.
Conservation of natural resources--United States.
Our natural resources and their conservation / Harry B. Kircher, Donald L. Wallace, Dorothy J. Gore. - 6th ed. - Danville, Ill. : Interstate Printers & Publishers, c1988. - xxiii, 482 p. : ill.
Updated ed. of: Our natural resources / Harry B. Kircher, Donald L. Wallace.
Natural resources--United States.
Conservation of natural resources--United States.