Millor, Manuel R.
Mexico's oil : catalyst for a new relationship with the U.S.? / Manuel R. Millor. - Boulder, Colo. : Westview Press, 1982. - xi, 267 p. - A Westview replica edition .
0865319235 (pbk.)
Petroleum industry and trade--Mexico.
Mexico--Foreign economic relations--United States.
United States--Foreign economic relations--Mexico.
Mexico--Dependency on the United States.
Mexico's oil : catalyst for a new relationship with the U.S.? / Manuel R. Millor. - Boulder, Colo. : Westview Press, 1982. - xi, 267 p. - A Westview replica edition .
0865319235 (pbk.)
Petroleum industry and trade--Mexico.
Mexico--Foreign economic relations--United States.
United States--Foreign economic relations--Mexico.
Mexico--Dependency on the United States.