Baker, M.J.
Variability in the strength of structural steel a study in structural safety M.J. Baker - London Construction Industry Research and Information Association 1972-1973 - 2 v. - Technical note 44, 47 . - Construction Industry Research and Information Association Technical note 44 Construction Industry Research and Information Association Technical note 47 .
Contents: pt. 1 material variability -- pt. 2. proposals for statistical acceptance criteria for structural steels
Steel, Structural--Testing
Variability in the strength of structural steel a study in structural safety M.J. Baker - London Construction Industry Research and Information Association 1972-1973 - 2 v. - Technical note 44, 47 . - Construction Industry Research and Information Association Technical note 44 Construction Industry Research and Information Association Technical note 47 .
Contents: pt. 1 material variability -- pt. 2. proposals for statistical acceptance criteria for structural steels
Steel, Structural--Testing